Thank you for referring your clients & patients! I look forward to working with you to provide the best possible care for your patients through combining your medical expertise with the addition of skilled animal chiropractic care
Chiropractic is not a replacement for veterinary medicine. I will work with you to provide concurrent care, referring clients back to you for anything outside the specialty of chiropractic
treatment. Clients will be advised to continue all your recommendations alongside their pet's chiropractic care. Adding chiropractic to your patient's healthcare team can be an important piece of the
treatment plan puzzle, often leading to new breakthroughs for patients, and helping them live life at their very best
Reach out any time by phone, text, email, or fax to discuss your referal cases in more detail, compare findings, ask questions, and discuss suggestions for continued progress:
Call or text message: (636) 751-3150
Fax: (636) 246-0265
Please complete the online Referral Form here:
Please complete the online Referral Form here
The more details you can share, the better we will be able to coordinate your efforts and mine for the patient's best benefit. Including relevant medical records regarding this patient is optional, but highly recommended. Once your referral form has been recieved, I will reach out to your client within one business day to schedule
Thank you for your referrals!
~Dr. Vicky
Dr. Victoria Patterson
MO Board of Chiropractic Examiners - License No: 2012001576
Certified in Animal Chiropractic by the International Veterinary Chiropractic Association - Certification No: 1597
Missouri law re: animal chiropractic - click here (effective Aug 28, 2023)