Ready to reveal you - and your pets - at your Very BEST?


You're no longer willing to keep putting up with the way things have been

- the pain, the limitations, the struggle...


You're ready to move forward to a better way!

To the very best quality of life you & your pets truly desire, and deserve!


Is Dr. Vicky the right fit to help you break through to reveal your best YOU?


Let's find out: Click Here

Dr. Vicky is the Gentle Chiropractor for People and Pets

For You...

Unique GENTLE chiropractic care,

often with NO popping,

for rapid & lasting relief.

Feel & function at your very best, & keep it that way!

For Your Pets...

You already give your FurBabies the best

treats, toys, & snuggles you can.

Give them the very best Quality of Life, too with

Chiropractic Care for Pets!


Begin to Reveal what Your Best is REALLY like!


Call Dr. Vicky direct, at (636) 751-3150

OR text "Curious" to (636) 751-3150


What my patients are saying:

"I have been using Chiropractors since a football injury back in 1964. Because I have lived in many parts of the country, I have been a patient of many different Chiropractors. Every one of them has been a painful experience, until I tried Dr. Vicky. I can be adjusted now without pain, which has the additional benefit of the adjustment lasting longer. Due to past experience, I tend to tense up, but Dr. Vicky is patient enough to get me through it and treat me. I would suggest Dr. Vicky to anyone."

- Mr. F, 63376


Read more success stories here.

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© Complete Wellness Chiropractic Center | Dr. Victoria Patterson-Goff | (636) 751-3150